Sunday, November 26, 2023

Ancient Hatreds? / Human Nature

Ancient Hatreds? / Human Nature

Let us hope that the many differences between humans based on ancestry and other things do not continue to lead to the divisions and conflicts that have led to so much suffering in the past and continue to do so to this day. 

Sentient beings experience pain and pleasure, suffering and happiness. They may experience sorrow, grief, joy and exhilaration. They also experience fear and anger--which when prolonged can turn to chronic anxiety and hatred. This is part of what we all share as humans and more generally as sentient beings. 

Friendship, caring and love cross the boundaries of cultures and ethniticities and even of species. Empathy and respect are what enable us to function as social beings. These things are universal. 

"Ancient hatreds" are things unknown to untutored children, be they of whatever ancestry or culture. But how we treat one another can either lead to new hatreds or revival of long-buried ones or to new alliances and bonds that might even revive or reinforce ancient commonalities. 

All of this seems abstract. True saints are perhaps very rare or nonexistent. 

However, in my experience (living most of my life among complete strangers, and at times--as when hospitalized--at their mercy), there is much in human nature that is good and universal (though sometimes well hidden). 

Let us hope that we turn towards our better natures rather than our other sides, which may be of help when we are in danger but should be turned away from otherwise.

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